Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Uushh! finally finished my mid-year exam. Holiday, here i come :) hee. Firstly, Happy Birthday to my dear Elynn Ooi, so sorry ya couldn't help you celebrate, promise will treat you eat and buy one slide of Secret Recipe's cake for you norhh. haa =D mm ~* I have not decided yet where to go in this holiday except Genting- with the most beloved family :) Fully hope that this will not a tedious holiday but full of activities, especially travel! Penang is a MUST, of course gym too, since for a long time didn't go for exercise, really hope that can be thinner TT Anyhow, diet is always appear in my wish list but it seems not very success. haa. whatever bahh! went to Futball Cafe with dad and mum last two days, that is only my second time. HEHE :D for me laa, i think that the taste of Tomyam over there is pretty good, can fight with Fresh. haa. err, or maybe others don't think like that ?? :) one more, any part time job to offer me? seriously, i need money.

In fact, i quite expect for tomorrow outing. It may cancel at anytime but still i await :)

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